LitLingo Review

Streamlined Communications Audit Management
Run communications audits in real-time with seamless, automated collaboration between team members.
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React in minutes, not weeks
Real-time communications monitoring instantaneously flags events for review, vs. static audits that could take weeks or even months to identify high-risk content.
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Maximize review capacity
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Models tailored to your specific business needs reduce the number of messages that require compliance review, allowing you to focus on responding to the most important risks.
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Collaborate seamlessly
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LitLingo’s dynamic review workstream automatically directs flagged messages to priority groups and reviewers according to your configured parameters, eliminating the need for manual audit project management.
React in seconds, not weeks
With real-time communications monitoring, you can quickly identify threats to your organization. Static audits could take weeks or even months before surfacing high-risk content. Leverage LitLingo's hybrid approach to communication analytics, combining the benefits of machine learning techniques with the control and nuance of linguistic-based strategies, to tackle your organization's risk in seconds.
Maximize review capacity without sacrificing coverage
Tailored risk models reduce your team's workload by alleviating the number of emails requiring review. Our technology narrows in on your organization's most significant areas of exposure, drastically reducing overall review time while maintaining 100% coverage of your communications.
Collaborate seamlessly
LitLingo's dynamic review workstream automatically directs flagged messages to priority groups and reviewers according to your configured parameters, eliminating the need for manual audit project management. Our workflow management tools allocate reviewer time to the highest-priority tasks, incorporate new communications in real-time, and enable seamless hand off assignments in progress, ensuring your team can respond in seconds to your most immediate business risks.